Study in MAHSA University
Sekilas Tentang Mahsa University
Mahsa University merupakan salah satu universitas swasta terkemuka di Malaysia. Mahsa yang merupakan singkatan dari Malaysian Allied Health Sciences Academy ini berdiri sejak tahun 2009 dan saat ini memiliki kampus yang berlokasi di Kuala Lumpur. Mahsa University menawarkan 9 fakultas dan didalamnya terdapat lebih dari 50 program studi. Dalam hal akademik Mahsa University saat ini telah menjalin kerjasama dengan lebih dari 20 universitas di seluruh dunia dan juga telah mendapatkan 17 akreditasi mutu dari pemerintah Malaysia dan lembaga internasional. Program studi yang ditawarkan Mahsa University antara lain meliputi Ilmu Kedokteran, Biosains, Kedokteran Gigi, Farmasi, Ilmu Kesehatan, Keperawatan, Bisnis, Keuangan, Manajemen, Teknologi Informasi, serta Kependidikan dan Bahasa
Ranking Dunia: 137
(QS World University Rankings 2024)
Ranking Malaysia: 2
(QS World University Rankings 2024)
Pilihan Fakultas & Jurusan
Faculty of Medicine
- Master of Science in Public Health
- Master of Science in Public Health (ODL)
- Master of Medical Science (Anatomy)
- Master of Medical Sciences
- Master of Medical Sciencein Aesthetic Medicine
- Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
- Diploma in Paramedical Science
- Postgraduate Certificatein Aesthetic Medicine
Faculty of Dentistry
- Doctor of Dental Surgery
- Doctor in Restorative Dentistry
- Master of Orofacial Sciences (Restorative Dentistry/Periodontology)
- Doctor in Periodontology
- Diploma in Dental Technology
- Diploma in Dental Surgery Assistant
Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing, and Education
- Master of Physiotherapy
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)(ODL)
- Bachelor of Medical Imaging (Hons)
- Bachelor of Medical Imaging (Hons) (ODL)
- Bachelor of Environmental Health &Safety (Hons)
- Bachelor of Environmental Health &Safety (Hons) ODL
- Diploma in Physiotherapy
- Diploma in Medical Imaging
- Diploma in Environmental Health
- Diploma in Occupational Safety & Health
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing
- Master of Nursing
- Bachelor of Nursing (Hons) Public Health
- Bachelor of Nursing Sciences (Hons)
- Bachelor of Science (Hons) Nursing
- Diploma in Nursing
- Advanced Diplomain Paediatric Nursing
- Advanced Diplomain Midwifery
- Post Basic Certificatein Renal Nursing
- Post Basic Certificatein Critical Care Nursing
- Post Basic Certificatein Gerontology
- Post Basic Certificatein Perioperative Nursing
- Diploma in Early Childhood Education
- Diploma in Education (TESL)
- English for Academic Purpose
Faculty of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
- PhD in Pharmacy
- Master in Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons)
- Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Pharmaceuticals Technology
- Diploma in Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Science Biotechnology (Hons)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Hons)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Hons) (ODL)
- Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
Faculty of Business, Accounting, Finance, Law & Humanity
- Doctor of Business Administration
- Doctor of Philosophy in Management
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Business Administration(Hospital Management)
- Master of Business Administration(Open & Distance Learning)
- Master of Business Administration(Hospital Management) (ODL)
- Bachelor of Business Administration
- Bachelor of Accounting (Hons)
- Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Islamic Finance
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Open & Distance Learning)
- Bachelor in Hospital Management (Hons)
- Diploma in Business Administration
- Diploma in Accounting
- Diploma in Human Resource Management
- Diploma in Marketing
- Diploma in Hotel Management
- Diploma in Restaurant Management
Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment & Information Technology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
- Master in Engineering
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Creative Multimedia Design
- Bachelor of Electrical & Electronic Engineering with Honours
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
- Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons)
- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architectural Technology
- Diploma in Architectural Technology
- Diploma in Civil Engineering
- Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Diploma in Information Technology
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- Diploma in Quantity Surveying
Centre for Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Diploma inHotel Management
- Diploma inRestaurant Management
- Bachelor ofHospitality Management(Honours)
1. Mengisi Formulir Universitas
2. Foto berwarna ukuran 3,5 x 4,5 = 8 lembar ( Background putih, Baju Kemeja, Tidak tampak gigi, Tidak Senyum )
3. Foto Copy Akte Kelahiran 2 lembar
4. Scan Paspor halaman 1- 48 ( tidak boleh bolak-balik, tidak di perbesar/diperkecil, masa berlaku minimal 2 tahun )
5. Foto Copy Rapot semester 1 – 6, UAS, UN, SKL (Persyaratan nilai minimal bergantung jurusan dan kampus yang dipilih)
6. Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga
7. Fotocopy KTP (kekurangan dokumen bisa menyusul)
8. TOEFL/ IELTS minimal 5.5
1. Konsultasi dengan kami mengenai pemilihan Universitas yang dituju
2. Mengisi Formulir pendaftaran dan membayar biaya pendaftaran serta melengkapi dokumen dokumen yang dibutuhkan
3. Pengiriman dokumen ke Universitas yang dituju di Malaysia oleh Tim Sang Juara School
4. Surat penerimaan Kampus diterima dan mulai proses pengurusan Visa
5. Pengurusan dan pengambilan single entry visa di Jakarta
6. Pembayaran Daftar Ulang (akan dikembalikan 100 % jika tidak diterima)
7. Briefing + Proses Visa + Pemesanan Tiket Pesawat
8. Pemberangkatan
Biaya Pendidikan
Fakultas | Tahun ke- | Tuition fees/tahun |
Fakultas Kedokteran | ||
Pendidikan Dokter | Th 1 | RM85,64 |
Th 2:3:4:5 | RM85,64 | |
Fakultas Biomedik | ||
Sains Biomedik | Th 1 | RM26,10 |
Th 2:3:4 | RM26,10 | |
Fakultas Keperawatan | ||
Keperawatan | Th 1 | RM26,10 |
Th 2;3;4 | RM26,10 | |
Manajemen Rumah Sakit | Th1 | RM20,89 |
Th 2:3:4 | RM20,89 | |
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi | ||
Doktor Of Restorative Dentistry | Th 1 | RM105,08 |
Th 2:3 | RM105,08 | |
Master Sains Orofacial | Th 1 | RM114,30 |
Doktor Bedan Gigi | Th1 | RM87,10 |
Th 2;3;4;5 | RM87,10 | |
Diploma Teknologi Cigi | Th1 | RM22,12 |
Th 2:3 | RM22,12 | |
Fakultas Farmasi | ||
Farmasi | Th 1 | RM46,08 |
Th 2:3:4 | RM46,08 | |
PhD Farmasi | Th1 | RM24,66 |
Th 2:3 | RM24,66 | |
Master Farmasi | Th 1 | RM24,69 |
Th 2 | RM24,69 | |
Diploma Farmasi | Th1 | RM17.880,00 |
Th 2:3 | RM17,88 | |
Fakultas Sains Kesehatan | ||
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Lingkungan | Th1 | RM23,61 |
Th 2;3;4 | RM23,61 | |
Medical Imaging (Radiografi) | Th 1 | RM23,61 |
Th 2:3:4 | RM23,61 | |
Fisioterapi | Th1 | RM26,11 |
Th 2:3:4 | RM26,11 | |
Master Fisioterapi | Th1 | RM47,49 |
Diploma Kesehatan Lingkungan | Th1 | RM17,91 |
Th 2:3 | RM17,91 | |
Diploma Medical Imaging (Radiografi) | Th1 | RM17,91 |
Th 2:3 | RM17,91 | |
Diplona Fisioterapi | Th1 | RM17,91 |
Th 2:3 | RM17,91 | |
Medical Imaging (Radiografi) | Th 1 | RM17,91 |
Th 2:3:4 | RM17,91 | |
Fakultas Teknik dan Pembangunan Lingkungan | ||
Teknik Listrik dan Elektro | Th1 | RM29.290,00 |
Th 23:4 | RM29,29 | |
Teknik Mesin | Th1 | RM31,79 |
Th 2:3:4 | RM31,79 | |
Teknik Sipil | Th1 | RM31,79 |
Th 2:3:4 | RM31,79 | |
Fakultas Bisnis, Keuangan, dan Teknologi Informasi | ||
Master Administrasi Bisnis | Th1 | RM52,88 |
Akuntasi | Th 1 | RM21,49 |
Th 2:3 | RM21,49 | |
Administrasi Bisnis | Th1 | RM21,49 |
Th 2:3 | RM21,49 | |
Teknologi Informasi | Th1 | RM21.490,00 |
Th 2:3 | RM21,49 | |
Diploma Administrasi Bisnis | Th 1 | RM20,35 |
Th 2 | RM20.350,00 |
Program Kami Lainnya
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